Friday, September 16, 2011

Tropical Garden Design Minimalist

Increasingly limited land due to rapid population growth. While the market demand for higher occupancy. Good for housing in urban and rural areas. This makes the developers work around this by designing minimalist style house. This action also affects the development of minimalist garden design. Because the minimalist garden design refers to the minimalist style of the house.
Minimalist Garden Design Concepts
Indeed, when viewed from the concept, minimalist style of garden design and minimalist house design has a similar concept. Among others, the presence of vertical and horizontal games on garden design minimalist want any in home design minimalist. A garden can be called a minimalist garden when the park looks likely to thrifty with decorative ornaments or knick perniknya. So the park was not assessed valuation of the elements of ornaments that decorate it.

The result of the park will look neat, clean, modest and simple but still show the beauty of a garden. Apart from their decorative knick knacks, hardware elements supporting this park will also appear neat and clean. This is possible because the use of fields with more flat surface, such as the use of flat or round gravel, grass block, paving block or as a complementary element of the park. Plants used as a complement to the minimalist design of the park is also the form of plants that have slow growth. The species include yellow bamboo, cypress, ylang, frangipani, and others.

Tropical Garden Design Minimalist
But the minimalist garden design can also be changed to suit your taste. Especially for those who prefer a garden decorated with tropical flowers. You can create a garden design minimalist design style combined with tropical garden. You need to get around how to combine the two elements are very different garden design has become a beautiful unity and harmony. The minimalist garden are usually dominated by the lines so as to give the impression of monotonous and stiff due to lack of plant elements. Can you siasati by adding some tropical plants in the minimalist garden.
Tropical plants can be referred to bromeliads, pacing, palm Sadeng, neoregelia, frangipani and yellow bamboo bali. With the consideration that these tropical plants, is an easy crop to grow and easy to maintain. Congratulations to create.